Source code for

import random
import sys
from mesa.agent import Agent
import soba.agents.resources.aStar as aStar
import random

[docs]class Fire(): """ This class enables to create fire object on a position. The objects of this class are controlled by one FireControl object. Attributes: grade: Intensity level of the fire. pos: Fire position. """ def __init__(self, model, pos): self.pos = pos model.grid.place_agent(self, pos) self.grade = 1
[docs]class FireControl(Agent): """ This class enables to create agents that control the fire expansión, representing the emergency threat. Attributes: fireExpansion: Set of Fire objects belonging to this FireControl. limitFire: Fire objects that are in the limit to make the expansion. expansionRate: Rate of expansion of the threat. growthRate: Value of growth in intensity of the fire. Methods: createFirePos: Create a Fire object in a given position. getFirePos: Get a Fire object in a position given. expansionFire: Make the expansion of fire limits. growthFire: Make the growth in intensity of the fire. step: Method invoked by the Model scheduler in each step. """ def __init__(self, unique_id, model, posInit, expansionRate = 0.7, growthRate = 0.7): super().__init__(unique_id, model) self.model.schedule.add(self) self.fireExpansion = [] self.firePositions = [] self.limitFire = [] self.expansionRate = expansionRate #m/s self.growthRate = growthRate self.N = 0 self.fireMovements = [] self.costMovement = round(0.5/(self.expansionRate*self.model.clock.timeByStep)) self.costGrowth = round(0.5/(self.growthRate*self.model.clock.timeByStep)) self.focalPoint = self.createFirePos(posInit)
[docs] def createFirePos(self, pos): """ Create a Fire object in a given position. Args: pos: Position to put the Fire object as (x, y) """ f = Fire(self.model, pos) self.limitFire.append(f) self.fireExpansion.append(f) self.fireMovements.append(pos) return f
[docs] def getFirePos(self, pos): """ Get a Fire object in a position given. Args: pos: Position to be checked. Return: Fire object or False """ for fire in self.fireExpansion: if fire.pos == pos: return fire return False
[docs] def expansionFire(self): """ Make the expansion of fire limits. """ fireExpansionAux = self.limitFire[:] n = 0 for fire in fireExpansionAux: n = n +1 self.limitFire.remove(fire) x, y = fire.pos posAdj = [(x + 1, y + 1), (x + 1, y), (x - 1, y), (x - 1, y - 1), (x, y + 1), (x, y - 1), (x - 1, y + 1), (x + 1, y - 1)] doorsPoss = aStar.doorsPoss for pos in posAdj: xaux, yaux = pos if self.model.xyInGrid((xaux, yaux)): cellPos = fire.pos posAux = pos move = True for wall in self.model.walls: if (cellPos in wall.block1 and posAux in wall.block1) or (cellPos in wall.block2 and posAux in wall.block2) or (cellPos in wall.block3 and posAux in wall.block3): move = False if not move: for doorsPos in doorsPoss: if ((cellPos in doorsPos) and (posAux in doorsPos)): move = True if move: if not (pos in self.fireMovements): self.createFirePos(pos)
[docs] def growthFire(self): """ Make the growth in intensity of the fire. """ for fire in self.fireExpansion: fire.grade = fire.grade + 1
[docs] def step(self): """ Method invoked by the Model scheduler in each step. """ if self.costGrowth > 0: self.costGrowth = self.costGrowth - 1 else: self.growthFire() self.costGrowth = round(0.5/(self.growthRate*self.model.clock.timeByStep)) if self.costMovement > 0: self.costMovement = self.costMovement - 1 else: self.expansionFire() self.costMovement = round(0.5/(self.expansionRate*self.model.clock.timeByStep))