Source code for soba.agents.resources.aStar

import random
import time
import sys

In the file the AStar algorithm is implemented.

		getPathRooms: Calculate the optimal path in the models with the space defined by rooms.
		getPathContinuous: Calculate the optimal path in the models with the space continuous.
		getConectedCellsRooms: Gets a list of connected cells in a space defined by rooms.
		getConectedCellsContinuous: Gets a list of connected cells in a continuous space.
		canMovePos: Evaluate if a position is reachable in a continuous space.


global maxIteration
maxIteration = 10000

generalItemsPos = []
doorsPoss = []

class Cell(object):
	def __init__(self, pos):
		self.x, self.y = pos
		self.x = self.x if not 0 > self.x else 0
		self.y = self.y if not 0 > self.y else 0
		self.parent = None

[docs]def getPathRooms(model, start, finish): """ Calculate the optimal path in the models with the space defined by rooms. Args: model: Model which invokes the algorithm. start: Initial position. finish: Final position. Return: List of positions (x, y). """ finish = Cell(finish) start = Cell(start) not_visited = [start] visited = [] finishCell = None notFinished = True while notFinished: for cell_not_visited in not_visited: if cell_not_visited.x == finish.x and cell_not_visited.y == finish.y: finishCell = cell_not_visited notFinished = False else: cells = getConectedCellsRooms(model, cell_not_visited) #create adject cells with conection for cell in cells: cell_already_visited = isCellVisited(cell, visited) if not cell_already_visited: cell.parent = cell_not_visited not_visited = not_visited + [cell] visited = visited + [cell] not_visited.remove(cell_not_visited) break cellWay = [finishCell] cell = finishCell while not (cellWay[len(cellWay)-1] is start): cell = cell.parent; cellWay = cellWay + [cell] cellWay.pop() way = [] for cell in cellWay: pos = (cell.x, cell.y) way = way + [pos] way.reverse() return way
[docs]def getPathContinuous(model, start, finish, other = []): """ Calculate the optimal path in the models with the space continuous. Args: model: Model which invokes the algorithm. start: Initial position. finish: Final position. other: List of auxiliary positions given to be considered impenetrable, that is, they will not be used by the AStar. Return: List of positions (x, y). """ if start == finish: return [start] finish = Cell(finish) start = Cell(start) not_visited = [start] visited = [] finishCell = None notFinished = True it = 0 while notFinished: it = it + 1 print_progress(it, maxIteration, prefix='Progress:', suffix='Complete', bar_length=30) if it > maxIteration or (finish.x, finish.y) in other: print("Demasida iteraciĆ³n, devolvemos: ", (start.x, start.y)) print("Queriamos ir a: ", (finish.x, finish.y)) return [(start.x, start.y)] for cell_not_visited in not_visited: if cell_not_visited.x == finish.x and cell_not_visited.y == finish.y: finishCell = cell_not_visited notFinished = False else: cells = getConectedCellsContinuous(model, cell_not_visited, other) #create adject cells with conection for cell in cells: cell_already_visited = isCellVisited(cell, visited) if not cell_already_visited: cell.parent = cell_not_visited if not cell in not_visited: not_visited = not_visited + [cell] visited = visited + [cell] not_visited.remove(cell_not_visited) break cellWay = [finishCell] cell = finishCell while not (cellWay[len(cellWay)-1] is start): cell = cell.parent; cellWay = cellWay + [cell] cellWay.pop() way = [] for cell in cellWay: pos = (cell.x, cell.y) way = way + [pos] way.reverse() if len(way) == 1 and not canMovePos(model, start, way[0]): way = [(start.x, start.y)] return way
[docs]def getConectedCellsRooms(model, cell): """ Gets a list of connected cells in a space defined by rooms. Args: model: Model which invokes the algorithm. cell: cell object corresponding to the room. Return: List of positions (x, y). """ room = model.getRoom((cell.x, cell.y)) rooms = room.roomsConected cells = [] for room in rooms: cell = Cell(room.pos) cells = cells + [cell] return cells
[docs]def getConectedCellsContinuous(model, cell, others): """ Gets a list of connected cells in a continuous space. Args: model: Model which invokes the algorithm. cell: cell object corresponding to the position. other: List of auxiliary positions given to be considered impenetrable, that is, they will not be used by the AStar. Return: List of positions (x, y). """ cellPos = (cell.x, cell.y) cells = [] possiblePosition1 = [(cell.x, cell.y + 1), (cell.x + 1, cell.y), (cell.x - 1, cell.y), (cell.x, cell.y - 1)] possiblePosition2 = [(cell.x + 1, cell.y + 1), (cell.x + 1, cell.y - 1), (cell.x - 1, cell.y - 1), (cell.x - 1, cell.y + 1)] possiblePosition = possiblePosition1 + possiblePosition2 for posAux in possiblePosition: pos1 = (0, 0) pos2 = (0, 0) aux = True if canMovePos(model, cellPos, posAux, others): cellAdded = Cell(posAux) cells.append(cellAdded) return cells
def getObtacles(model): for i in model.generalItems: generalItemsPos.append(i.pos) for d in model.doors: doorsPosAux = [] doorsPosAux.append(d.pos1) doorsPosAux.append(d.pos2) doorsPoss.append(doorsPosAux)
[docs]def canMovePos(model, cellPos, posAux, others = []): """ Evaluate if a position is reachable in a continuous space. Args: model: Model which invokes the algorithm. cellPos: a first one position given as (x, y). posAux: a second one position given as (x, y). others: List of auxiliary positions given to be considered impenetrable, that is, they will not be used by the AStar. Return: List of positions (x, y). """ move = True for wall in model.walls: if (cellPos in wall.block1 and posAux in wall.block1) or (cellPos in wall.block2 and posAux in wall.block2) or (cellPos in wall.block3 and posAux in wall.block3): move = False if not move: for doorsPos in doorsPoss: if ((cellPos in doorsPos) and (posAux in doorsPos)): move = True if move: if not (cellPos in generalItemsPos or posAux in generalItemsPos): if not (posAux in others) or not (cellPos in others): return True return False
def isCellVisited(cell, visited): for cells in visited: if cells.x == cell.x and cells.y == cell.y: return True return False