Source code for soba.launchers.visual

from soba.visualization.drawModelBack import BackEndVisualization
from mesa.visualization.ModularVisualization import ModularServer
import os
import soba
import tornado

In the file is implemented the execution with visual representation:
		run: Execute the simulation with visual representation.


[docs]def run(model, parameters, visual, back = False): """ Execute the simulation with visual representation. Args: parameters: Parameters associated with the simulation model and others such as grid size. model: Model that is simulated. visual: JS files with the visualization elements that are included in the JavaScript browser visualization template. back: Python file working as backend visualization. """ backEndVisualization = BackEndVisualization(int(parameters['width']), int(parameters['height']), 500, 500, visual) path = os.path.abspath(soba.__file__) path = path.rsplit('/', 1)[0] local_handler = (r'/local/(.*)', tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {"path": path}) external_handler = (r'/external/(.*)', tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {"path": ""}) ModularServer.handlers = ModularServer.handlers[:-1] ModularServer.handlers = ModularServer.handlers + [local_handler] + [external_handler] if back != False: server = ModularServer(model, [backEndVisualization, back], name="Simulation", model_params=parameters) else: server = ModularServer(model, [backEndVisualization], name="Simulation", model_params=parameters) server.port = 7777 server.launch()