Model Module Documentation


class soba.models.generalModel.GeneralModel(width, height, seed=1561971992, timeByStep=60)[source]

Base Class to create simulation models. It creates and manages space and agents.

height: Height in number of grid cells. width: Width in number of grid cells. schedule: BaseScheduler object for agent activation. grid: Grid object to implement space. running: Parameter to control the models execution. NStep: Measure of the number of steps. occupants: List of Occupant objects created. agents: List of the all Agent objects created. asciMap: Representation of the map as ASCI used to get FOV information. seed: Seed employ in random generations. finishSimulation: Parameter to stop the software simulation.
finishTheSimulation: Finish with the execution of the simulation software. run_model: Model execution. step: Execution of the scheduler steps.

Finish with the execution of the simulation software.


Main step of the simulation, execution of the scheduler steps.

Continuous Model

class soba.models.continuousModel.ContinuousModel(width, height, jsonMap, jsonsOccupants, seed=datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 9, 6, 32, 573465), scale=0.5, timeByStep=60)[source]
Base Class to create simulation models on a simplified space based on rooms.
Those inherited from the Occupant class. rooms: List of Room objects. walls: List of Wall objects. pois: List of Pois objects. generalItems: List of GeneralItem objects. doors: List of Door objects.
createOccupants: Create occupants of the ContinuousOccupant type. getScaledCoordinate: Gets the value of a coordinate or a cell size scaled. setMap: Define the map plane distribution. getAsciMap: Get the plane of the grid in an ASCII format, such as a matrix, to apply the fov algorithm. thereIsClosedDoor: Check if one door is closed or open. getDoorInPos: Get a Door object in a position given. getOccupantsPos: Get a Occupant objects in a position given. thereIsOccupant: Check if there is any Occupant object in a position given. getOccupantId: Get the occupant with the unique_id given. getPOIsId: Get the pois object with the id given. getPOIsPos: Get the position of a poi object. checkFreePOI: Check if one Point of interest is free (there is no occupant on this). xyInGrid: Check if one position is inside the grid. nearPos: Check if two positions are consecutive.
Check if one Point of interest is free (there is no occupant on this).
p: Poi object.

Return: True (yes), False (no).

createAvatar(idAvatar, pos, color='red', initial_state='walking')[source]

Create one avatar

Create occupants of the ContinuousOccupant type.
jsonOccupants: Json of description of the occupants.

Get the plane of the grid in an ASCII format, such as a matrix, to apply the fov algorithm.

Get a Door object in a position given.
pos: Position of the door as (x, y).

Return: Door object or false.

Get the occupant with the unique_id given.
Id: Unique_id given as number

Return: Occupant object or False.

Get a Occupant objects in a position given.
pos: Position as (x, y).

Return: List of Cccupant objects.

Get the pois object with the id given.
poiId: poi id given as number

Return: list of pois object or False.

Get the position of a poi object.
poiPos: position as (x, y)

Return: poi object or False.

getScaledCoordinate(coordenate, scale)[source]
Gets the value of a coordinate or a cell size scaled to the size of the grid in relation to a given scale.
coordenate: Coordenate value to be scale scale: Value of the scale to be applied.

Return: value of the coordinate.

nearPos(pos1, pos2)[source]
Check if two positions are consecutive.
pos1: Position as (x, y). pos2: Position as (x, y).

Return: True (yes), False (no).

setMap(jsonMap, scale)[source]
Define the map plane distribution.
jsonMap: Json of description of the map plane. scale: Value of the scale.

Main step of the simulation, execution of the scheduler steps.

Check if one door is closed or open.
pos: Position of the door as (x, y).

Return: State of the door as boolean.

Check if there is any Occupant object in a position given.
pos: Position as (x, y).

Return: True (yes), False (no).

Check if one position is inside the grid.
pos: Position as (x, y).

Return: True (yes), False (no).

Rooms Model

class soba.models.roomsModel.RoomsModel(width, height, jsonRooms, jsonsOccupants, seed=1561971992, timeByStep=60)[source]

Base Class to create simulation models on a simplified space based on rooms.

Those inherited from the Occupant class. rooms: List of Room objects. Those inherited from the Occupant class. rooms: List of Room objects. walls: List of Wall objects. pois: List of Pois objects. generalItems: List of GeneralItem objects. doors: List of Door objects.
createOccupants: Create occupants of the RoomsOccupant type. createRooms: Create the rooms in the grid space. setMap: Define the map plane distribution. createDoors: Create the doors in the grid space. createWalls: Create the walls in the grid space. thereIsClosedDoor: Check if one door is closed or open. thereIsOtherOccupantInRoom: Evaluate if there is another occupant apart of the past as a parameter in a room. thereIsSomeOccupantInRoom: Evaluate if there is any occupant in a room. thereIsOccupantInRoom: Evaluate if there is one specific occupant in a room. getRoom: Get one Room Object by position. pushAgentRoom: Add one agent to a room. popAgentRoom: Remove one agent from a room. openDoor: Change the status of the door to open. closeDoor: Change the status of the door to close.
closeDoor(agent, room1, room2)[source]
Change the status of the door to close (False).
agent: Agent object which want to close the door. room1, room2: The two common rooms of the door as Room object.

Create the doors in the grid space.

Create occupants of the RoomsOccupant type.
jsonOccupants: Json of description of the occupants.
Create the rooms in the grid space.
jsonRooms: Json of description of the map plane.

Create the walls in the grid space.

Get one Room Object by position.
pos: Position of the grid as (x,y).

Return: Room Object or False

openDoor(agent, room1, room2)[source]
Change the status of the door to open (True).
agent: Agent object which want to open the door. room1, room2: The two common rooms of the door as Room object.
popAgentRoom(agent, pos)[source]
Remove one agent from a room.
agent: Agent Object pos: Position of the grid as (x,y)
pushAgentRoom(agent, pos)[source]
Add one agent to a room.
agent: Agent Object pos: Position of the grid as (x,y)

Define the map plane distribution.


Main step of the simulation, execution of the scheduler steps.

thereIsClosedDoor(beforePos, nextPos)[source]
Check if one door is closed or open.
beforePos, nextPos: The two common positions of the door as (x, y).

Return: True (closed) or False (opened).

thereIsOccupantInRoom(room, agent)[source]
Evaluate if there is one specific occupant in a room.
room: Room object to be checked.

Return: True (yes), False (no)

thereIsOtherOccupantInRoom(room, agent)[source]
Evaluate if there is another occupant apart of the past as a parameter in a room.
room: Room object to be checked. agent: Occupant object to be ignored.

Return: True (yes), False (no)

Evaluate if there is any occupant in a room.
room: Room object to be checked.

Return: True (yes), False (no)

Time Control

class soba.models.timeControl.Time(model, timeByStep=60, day=1, hour=7, minute=50, seg=0, microsecond=0)[source]

Class that inherits of the Agent class to manage the time in sexagesimal units.

clock: Clock for time monitoring during simulation. timeByStep: Time in seconds associated with each step. startDay: Time of the beginning of a day in the simulation. endDay: Time of the end of a day in the simulation.
step: Advance of the clock in a step. increaseTime: Increase the value of the clock a given time. decreaseTime: Decrease the value of the clock a given time.
decreaseTime(days=0, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0, microseconds=0)[source]
Decrease the value of the clock a given time.
seconds, days, hours, minutes, microseconds: Time value to be decrease.

Return: The new Clock object.

increaseTime(seconds=0, days=0, hours=0, minutes=0, microseconds=0)[source]
Increase the value of the clock a given time.
seconds, days, hours, minutes, microseconds: Time value to be increase.

Return: The new Clock object.


Advance of the clock in a step.